Have a Right Royal Knees-up this Jubilee Weekend
Break out the bunting - the big weekend is just around the corner! In honour of HRH it would only be right to give you a regal run-down of our Jubilee plans this bank holiday. One is in for an excellent time...
Thursday 2 - Sunday 5 June: Jubilee-themed Eats & Treats
Go all out with your celebrations with a selection of savoury & sweet Jubilee-themed eats to enjoy in our restaurant and Farm Shop including THE official Platinum Jubilee Lemon & Amaretti Trifle *available while stock lasts*
Friday 3 & Saturday 4 June: A Right Regal Afternoon Tea
You can’t do more justice to Queen E than with a bone-fide Right Regal Afternoon Tea. Lovingly made by us to takeaway to your party spot or enjoy in our restaurant - by online reservation only
Sunday 5 June, 12pm-8pm: HRH-inspired Takeaway Pizza
In honour of her majesty’s love of Flash Gordon, Abba, blue and more... don't miss our HRH-inspired range of pizzas which are available to pre-order from THIS MONDAY to collect and takeaway on Sunday 5 June ONLY - view menu & pre-order